Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chest Tattoos

Chest tattoos are among the most common tattoos. There are many reasons why someone may choose to place a tattoo on their chest. The chest provides a lot of space for a tattoo, and also allows the individual to be creative with the amount of space that the it provides. The chest and back provide the most space on the body for tattoos and other body artwork, so some of the most elaborate tattoos are placed in this location. The chest also is not as painful as other areas of the body for tattooing. There is still some pain in the chest region, but the chest contains less nerve endings than the legs or the feet which make it an ideal place to tattoo darker, more intricate designs that would ordinarily be too painful to place on other areas of the body. There are many different chest tattoo designs that are commonly tattooed. A few of those include;

Landscape Tattoos

Landscape tattoos are commonly placed on the chest as well. A landscape can be as simple as a scene from a movie, or as advanced as a ground level complete with a bird filled skyline. Many people choose to tattoo scenes and other landscape tattoos on their chest because it is one of the few places on the body that provides enough room for these large, elaborate tattoos. Often times these tattoos are done through many sittings. You may decide that you would like a river toward the bottom of your chest or in your stomach region during your first sitting. Then, in the next sitting you may choose to add a sun and some trees. Because many tattoos that take up the full chest region are done over the course of several months, it gives you plenty of time to put meaningful thought into what you would like to tattoo on yourself. Landscape and scene tattoos are among the most popular types of tattoos to place on the chest region.

Heart Centric Tattoos

As you already know, your heart is located in your chest. This makes heart tattoos a very popular choice for many people who choose to tattoo a design on their chest. Often times people will placed the name of a loved one over their heart to symbolize their love for them. This person could be a family member, or a significant other for whom you want to profess your undying affection. Some people also choose to tattoo other things that they love over their heart, since the heart is commonly used to symbolize love. You could place an activity or sport that has been a big part of your life over your heart to symbolize how much the activity means to you. Some people also choose to tattoo hearts, over their heart. The symbolism behind this could be that they wear their heart on the outside, or on their sleeve, as is commonly said.


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